Albany Tango Society
Argentine Tango in NY's Capital Region
Albany Tango invites you on an adventure that may change your life - Argentine tango
Saturday, December 14
Albany Tango
Eleonora Kalganova
Andres Sautel
Afternoon workshops
Milonga Gitanos
Afternoon Workshops
Saturday, December 14
Eleonora Kalganova & Andres Sautel present tango steps and techniques that bring dash and excitement to your partnerships.
12:00-1:15 Turns with Women’s Adornments
Learn turns in closed and open embrace while adding stylish adornments for women. Focus on connection, balance, and musicality. All levels.
1:30-2:45 Creative Barridas/Creative Space
Explore barridas with unique variations and combinations. Enhance your technique, timing, and creativity. Intermediate level
3:00-4:15 Sacadas for Leaders and Followers
Master sacadas for both roles with precision and flow. Expand your possibilities on the dance floor. Intermediate level
Christ Church, 35 State St. Troy, NY
At the door

Milonga Gitanos
​Saturday, December 14
Eleonora and Andres invite you to join them for Albany Tango's 2nd Saturday milonga - Milonga Gitanos
7:00 Milonga Gitanos
Guest DJ
Eleonora Kalganova
Eleonora Kalganova
& Andres Sautel
Christ Church, 35 State St. Troy, NY​
Non-member $25
Member $20​
At the door
Saturday, December 14
Eleonora Kalganova & Andres Sautel
Workshop Registration at the door
Milonga Registration at the door
Membership Registration at the door